Thursday, December 7, 2017


By Bayle Emlein

I noticed two qualities about the products at Pepcom’s Holiday Spectacular in San Francisco on October 28. First, almost every single item at every single table was already on the market ready for purchase, including one released just that morning. Second, many–if not most–assume that the purchaser has a smartphone that is in good health, ready to download a control app, even for products that are not purely an app themselves. This puts your smartphone in a position of being as critical as running water and the electric grid. Unfortunately, smartphones are not quite as reliable as other utilities. What to do?

Call Puls. Currently available in 39* cities, pulse will send a certified, screened technician to your home or place of business. Phone issues a Puls technician addresses: screen repair, battery replacement, camera replacement, charging port, power button, side buttons,  headphone jack, home button, wifi/ bluetooth, or water damage.
Puls technicians can also repair tablets, help you hang a wall mounted TV, or help you make your whole home smarter by providing a free in-home demo of Google Home or by setting it up. This being the 21st Century, you make your appointment online. Because of the need to screen all their techs and the limits of travel time, the service is currently available in selected urban areas, though planning to expand. Pricing for a phone repair starts at $69. Given the time you have for packing up, finding parking, and standing in line at a repair shop, you may well find this a value. It’s certainly worth the price for TV installation. The house call is alive and well.

* Asheville, NC, Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX, Baltimore, MD, Baton Rouge, LA, Boston, MA, Charlotte, NC, Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH, Dallas, TX, Denver, CO, Detroit, MI, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Hartford, CT, Houston, TX, Kansas City, KS, Las Vegas, NV, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, Milwaukee, WI, Naples, FL, Nashville, TN, New Orleans, LA, New York, NY, Newark, NJ, Oklahoma City, OK, Orlando, FL, Philadelphia, PA, Phoenix, AZ, Pittsburg, PA, Portland, OR, Raleigh-Durham, NC, Sacramento, CA, San Antonio, TX, San Diego, CA, San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, Tampa, FL, and Washington DC.

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