Thursday, November 29, 2012

iFruit Maps Failure

One of the signs of any civilization that is on the verge of death is when they start to eat their own dead. The iFruit company is starting to fire senior managers who have “failed” and that is the exact same thing.

The recent firing of the manager in charge of the abysmal failure that the replacement for Google Maps was is a classic example. Things are getting desperate in Apple Valley folks and we expect a lot more people to be fired.

The only people who should NOT be fired are the marketing folks who still have the unwashed masses gushing over inferior products. The iFruit company is selling a gazillion phones and tablets to the same people who watch “reality” TV. They are aiming their products at Kardashian fans and that may be a great short term plan.

Hopefully some day in the future things will balance out and we’ll get back to the cream rising to the top. Let us pray.

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