Tuesday, March 27, 2018

GIF ads

Imagine an ad playing on an endless loop—a short
narrative crafted to seamlessly, infinitely repeat. Taken
at face value, that’s the stuff of nightmares. But you’ve
likely already seen dozens of ads made to do just that
for brands like Amazon, Bubly, Converse and Gatorade
—and you may have already unknowingly shared them.
That’s the magic of GIFs. At least, that’s what some of
the marketers who see the use of GIFs as ads as a
growing creative trend believe.

“Clever marketers are creating GIFs to help consumers
express themselves through these humorous, snackable
videos which make them a shareable utility versus an ad,”
explained Quynh Mai, founder of digital shop Moving Image
and Content. “GIFs are an economical way for consumers
to express their moods, and smart brands are creating GIFs
as a utility for that purpose, making these shareable personal
expressions and not just a six-second video.”

That difference between the six-second ad—which has also
is important to understanding the burgeoning trend of GIFs
as ads. While brands are certainly creating more short-form
ads to fit into YouTube’s bumper format or various apps that
are seeking shorter and shorter spots, making GIFs requires

a different kind of creative approach.

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