Friday, April 20, 2018

MSFT Translator App

Chances are you mostly need a translator app on your
phone while you are traveling. But that’s also when you
are most likely to not have any connectivity. While most
translation apps still work when they are offline, they can’t
use the sophisticated — and computationally intense —
machine learning algorithms in the cloud that typically
power them. Until now, that was also the case for the
iOS, but starting today, the app will actually run a slightly
modified neural translation when offline (though iOS users
may still have to wait a few days, as the update still has
to be approved by Apple).

What’s interesting about this is that Microsoft  is able to
do this on virtually any modern phone and that there is
no need for a custom AI chip in them.

Microsoft’s Arul Menezes tells me that these new
translation packs are “dramatically better” and provide
far more human-like translation than the old ones, which
relied on an older approach to machine translations that
has now been far surpassed by machine learning-based
systems. The updated language packs (which only take
up about half the space of the old ones) are now available
for Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and

Thai, with others to follow.

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