Monday, August 23, 2010

Virus attack

I received an interesting email today that has all of the earmarks of a virus/trojan. It was sent to what is usually a business only account and doesn't;t get much spam. I was wary however and proceded with caution.

The email was sent from and the subject was a FedEx delivery with an erroneous address. We get FedEx deliveries virtually every day so it could have been a real message. However, the attached file was a .zip file and I was very cautious.

One of the laptops in our lab is heavily infested by malware so I used it to download the .zip file to see what was in it )if it got another bug it couldn't get any worse!!). Just as I suspected, it contained an .exe that would have probably wrecked havoc if I had run it.

Here's the lesson for everyone... never download and .exe and run it!!!

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