Monday, January 7, 2013

First day in Vegas

The first day in Vegas went very smoothly, probably as a result of excellent planning!!

The first pre-CES event we always attend is the Storage Visions Conference that is held the Sunday and Monday before CES. We were able to get to the afternoon session and saw a few old trade show friends there. There were also some obvious vendors that were missing and that's worth some discussion.

The Director of Marketing of a major memory maker and I were discussing the value of trade shows and merketing to a company's bottom line and we were in total agreement. If a  company saves a few dollars by not engaging in positive marketing moves then they are doing themselves more harm then good. The few dollars they save by not marketing their brand will hurt their bottom line more than they imagine. Short sighted companies are doing more harm than good by cutting a marketing budget. You have to invest capital in order to make money, it's that simple!

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