Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New High in the Stock Market

The stock market hit a new high yesterday and there has been a LOT of discussion about what this means. As our regular readers know, I am a bit of an economic pessimistic right now. Yes, there are stocks that I think will continue to grow (Google in particular) and stocks that I think are meandering (like MSFT) and stocks that I think are in free fall (like the iFruit company). I am far from a stock market expert, I’m just an observer. To be open and aboveboard, I own zero stocks so I have nothing to gain or lose in this game.

Here’s my advice on the current economy: be careful.... very careful. The problems with the US economy, not just sequester, are very serious. VERY serious. I do not see the kind of cooperation that is needed to solve our problems, just partisanship. I can honestly say that I have never seen, in my entire life, a regime in power that is so bent on keeping power. Even if it hurts everyone else, keep democrats in power!

The current executive branch and senate could care less about the law and our Constitution. They just care about staying in control.

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