Saturday, May 17, 2014

A True Story

By Bayle Emlein

I'm observing a 6th Grade math class. The topic is budgeting, based on a set income and then your personally selected lifestyle.

You can live well and pretty much spend all your money on your pad, utilities (including air conditioning on this day of record heat), phone, Internet, etc.

You can choose to live moderately and have some cash at the end of the month for things you choose.

Or you can choose to live frugally and have lots of spare cash at the end of the month. That means--explains the teacher--no Internet, no iPhone. Just a landline.

From the back of the room, in all seriousness, "What's a landline?"

"A telephone with wires, like they have in the office."

"Uh? Oh."

No comments on the progress of technology. Whatever we were born into
seems normal.

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