Tuesday, October 16, 2018

PS4 Crashes

Malicious message crashes aren't just for smartphones,
it seems. Numerous PS4 owners have reported receiving
PSN messages where an unrecognized character
effectively bricks their consoles, making them crash and
leaving them unable to start properly. And deleting any
rogue messages (typically by leaving the conversation in
the PS Messages mobile app) isn't enough by itself --
you have to either rebuild the database in Safe Mode or
factory reset the system.

You can eliminate the chance of a hostile message by going
into your settings (either in the console or the PS Messages
app), visiting account management, and then changing your
privacy settings so that messages are either limited to friends
or switched off.

We've asked Sony for comment. The company can likely
address this with a software update, and it's relatively easy
to protect yourself in the meantime. However, there's little
doubt that the consequences are serious. Most phone-
oriented bugs are troublesome, but won't necessarily
prevent you from using your other apps on your device.
Here, a prankster is rendering your PS4 effectively inoperable

until you walk through some painstaking troubleshooting steps.

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