Friday, November 12, 2010


I've been a slow convert to eBooks. I have many books on my shelves that are a gazillion years old and every one of them is still easily readable. Will any of today's eBooks be readable in 19 years? I kind of doubt it.

However, I received an email today that shifts my persprctive, not change it mind you, but shifts it slightly. I reviewed a book from O'Reilly a couple of months ago, the superb Cooking for Geeks, and really enjoyed it.

Today I received a link to their eBook site allowing me to update to the revised version at no cost. This is the one spot where eBooks rule, they can be updated MUCH easier than print books can.

For certain types of books eBooks make a lot of sense. But I still feel that any book that you really value and want to retain for generations then you must stick with print.

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