Friday, February 12, 2010

Digital cameras

I've been reviewing a number of digital cameras lately and have come to some conclusions. There are a couple of companies that may have stumbled on the ideal solution that I'm proposing, but most companies seem to have missed the ball. We review a LOT of digital cameras and as a result we have 27 bazillion battery chargers hooked up. It seems that batteries, even from the same company, always require a different charger. Why? They seem to have a different sized battery and require a special charger. For many years I've championed cradles as a solution. In most of the reviews I've written I've supported vendors using cradles. But technology has leap-frogged cradles, there is a better solution available. Some of the cameras I've reviewed lately use a USB cable, not just as a method of connecting to a computer to download photos, but also as the method of charging the battery!! Genius! Perfection! I'm on the road. I have my netbook and my digital camera. Space is limited and I don't want to carry a bunch of power connectors. The perfect solution is to use the netbook as the power source for all of my other devices. To all of my camera vendor contacts: make your camera battery charging and downloading processes USB based. How simple and elegant can you get?

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