Wednesday, May 1, 2013

MD Discs

I’m doing my far-too-occasional deep-pore cleaning of my office. It’s one of those chores that I should do two or three times every year, but I don’t. I’m doing things like moving printers that haven’t been used in 8 years and other things like that.

Tonight I discovered a small stack of MD discs. OK, who remembers MD discs? They were the transition from records/CDs to MP3s. A mini-disc that still held a full album. I have a wonderful MD recorder/player that I used for several years that gave me a lot of pleasure on flights to Vegas.

At a Comdex show many years ago I remember a conversation with the PR rep for the maker of an MD recorder. He was unusually factual when he told me that MDs had been a great very-short term profit maker. He also said that it was a doomed format and MP3 players would overtake them in a year or so. He was absolutely right!

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