Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Xbox One "Clarification"

MSFT has, once again, published another clarification on the new Xbox One. Here’s the latest information they have put out.

MSFT responding to concerns about trade-in rights on its new Xbox One console, said users may sell titles back to retailers or give them to friends provided they have approval from the publisher.

Consumers who purchase the new console, which goes on sale in time for the holidays, must connect to the Web at least once every 24 hours for games to work, while access to digital libraries provided by the console requires an Internet connection every hour, the company said in a blog posting last week. Broadcast TV, Blu-ray and DVD movies will work without a connection.

Microsoft unveiled its first new Xbox in almost eight years on May 21, seeking to position the console at the center of games and home entertainment against a growing roster of competitors that include companies from the iFruit company to Facebook. The player will use voice commands and motion sensing to recognize users and let them switch seamlessly between games, live TV and Skype video calling.

All game publishers will have the right to determine whether consumers can pass disc-based titles made for the new console on to friends, or trade in or sell them, the Redmond, Washington-based company said last week

For Xbox games Microsoft makes, in order for titles to be swapped among friends, participants will be required to be on a digital list created by users for at least 30 days. All titles can be swapped only once.

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