Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Big Brother

By Chuck Hajdu

For the first time in my life, I believe it’s the first time anyway, we have been officially informed that the federal government and the corporate world have the capability to not just track us but to accurately predict our movements. General Petreus recently told congress that the CIA has the capability today to track people in most of the world. In addition, we recently heard that a company has announced that it has an algorithm to accurately predict our movements so targeted advertising can be sent to us.

Just imagine what this means for our privacy because it means we no longer have any privacy. Big Brother has the capability to track most of us most of the time and now can predict where we’ll go next and with whom. Unless you don’t use a cell phone, not just a smartphone but an older flip phone, at any time and you don’t use any device that uses the net then you’re being tracked. Yes, you are being tracked 24/7. Your cell phone provider has a log of every second of every day and can pinpoint where you are within a couple of feet at all times.

Be afraid people, be very afraid.

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