Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The changing face of Facebook

Lately I've been hearing a lot of angst over the ever changing face of Facebook. I will admit to being a Facebook addict myself. There's just something compelling about keeping up with new and old friends alike online. I even use the Facebook app on my Android devices so I can stay in touch.

Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg knows that the way to keep people interested in your product is to keep it fresh and intriguing. He's never been one to say things like "let's not mess with success" and see his users start to desert his ship. Nope, he is constantly improving the way Facebook works and has people interact. Sometimes they have to be pushed along because of peoples resistance to change but in no time at all they adapt. The users who cry the loudest are usually the ones who are happiest with the new features.

Facebook will be rolling out many new features and a new profile page in the upcoming weeks. Expect to hear the usual screams of anguish and demands for getting their old Facebook back. But in a few days everyone will be happily tweaking their Timeline and wondering how they ever lived without it.

Keep up the good work Facebook, we love your ever changing face.

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